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🏢彰師大進德校區 格致館 三樓
國立彰化師範大學科學教育研究所 科教博士
國立清華大學生命科學研究所 理碩士
國立清華大學物理系 理學士
2021- 國立彰化師範大學科學教育研究所 教授
2015-2021 國立彰化師範大學科學教育研究所 副教授
2012-2014 國立彰化師範大學科學教育研究所 助理教授
2010-2012 國立中山大學通識教育中心 博士後研究
2008-2010 國立交通大學教育研究所 約聘助理教授
2006-2008 國立台灣師範大學生命科學系 博士後研究
2005-2006 國立台南大學通識教育中心 兼任講師
1994-2000 私立嘉陽高中物理教師、導師兼留學中心組長
科技部103年度補助優秀年輕學者研究計畫申請案 (2014-2016年)
科技部102年度補助優秀年輕學者研究計畫案 (2013年)
中山大學教學優良課程獎勵 (2011年)
美國科學教學研究協會(NARST)2007 Travel Scholarships (2007年)
Lin, S.-F.*, Shie, W.-C. (2023). A cooperative model of development and validation of a curriculum-based scientific competence test. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, X(X), XXX-XXX. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10763-023-10366-x (SSCI) Published 23 May, 2023.
Lederman, J., Lederman, N., Bartels, S., Jimenez, J., Acosta, K., Akubo, M., ... & Wishart, J., ... & J. Wishart (2021). International collaborative follow-up investigation of graduating high school students’ understandings of the nature of scientific inquiry: Is progress Being made? International Journal of Science Education, 43(7), 991-1016, DOI: 10.1080/09500693.2021.1894500 (SSCI) (…Aly, M. A. B. S. de Andrade, M. Atanasova, E. Blanquet, R. Blonder, P. Brown, R. Cardoso, P. Castillo-Urueta, P. Chaipidech, J. Concannon, O. K. Dogan, H. El-Deghaidy, A. Elzorkani, T. Ferdous, N. Fukuda, E. Gaigher, L. Galvis-Solano, Q. Gao, S. Guo, Y. Gwekwerere, J. Gyllenpalm, S. Hamed Al-Lal, C. Han-Tosunoglu, A. Hattingh, G. Holliday, X. Huang, S. Irez, J. Jiménez, G. Kay, A. Koumara, K. Kremer, P.-C. Kuo, J. Lavonen, J. S. C. Leung, Z. Liao, M. R. Librea-Carden, S.-F. Lin, C. Liu, E. Liu, S.-Y. Liu, R. Mamlok-Naaman, C. V. Mcdonald, A. Möller, M. Morales, B. K. Mulvey, I. Neumann, A.-L. Neurohr, Y. Pan, P. Panjaburee, M. Penn, K. Plakitsi, E. Picholle, U. Ramnarain, Z. Raykova, C.-J. Rundgren, S. Salonen, D. Santibáñez-Gómez, R. Schwartz, R. Sharma, N. Srisawasdi, S. Takiveikata, T. Urueta-Ortiz, K. Vitlarov, F. Voitle,列41)
林淑梤* (2019)。探討學生科學能力與教師探究教學實務的關係。科學教育學刊,27(4),251-274。(TSSCI)
Cheng, M.-F., Wu, T.-Y. & Lin, S.-F. (2019). Investigating the relationship between views of scientific models and modeling practice. Research in Science Education https://doi.org/10.1007/s11165-019-09880-2 Published 06 August 2019 (SSCI)
Lederman, J., Lederman, N., Bartels, S., Jimenez, J., Akubo, M., Aly, S., ... & Zhou, Q. (2019). An international collaborative investigation of beginning seventh grade students' understandings of scientific inquiry: Establishing a baseline. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 56(4), 486-515. (SSCI) (列28)
林淑梤*、林煥祥(2019)。偽科學信念與科學素養的共存與抗衡? -民眾參與科學和偽科學活動之探究。教育科學研究期刊,64(2),71-99。(TSSCI)
桑顯舜、林淑梤*(2019)。運用德懷術建立國小教師基本科學能力之評量要項 。師資培育與教師專業發展期刊,12(1),29-58。(TCI-HSS)
Lin, S.-F.*, Lin, H. (2016). Learning nanotechnology with texts and comics: The impacts on students of different achievement levels. International Journal of Science Education, 38(8), 1373-1391. DOI:10.1080/09500693.2016.1191089 (SSCI)
Yang, K-K, Lin, S.-F., Hong, Z.-R, Lin, H. (2016). Exploring the assessment of and relationship between elementary students’ scientific creativity and science inquiry. Creativity Research Journal, 28(1), 16-23. (SSCI)
Lin, S.-F., Chen, J.-Y., Shih, K.-Y., Wang, K.-H.*, Chang, H.-P. (2015). Science teachers’ perceptions of nanotechnology teaching and professional development: A survey study in Taiwan. Nanotechnology Reviews, 4(1), 71-80. ISSN (Online) 2191-9097, ISSN (Print) 2191-9089, DOI: 10.1515/ntrev-2014-0019, February 2015.
Lin, S.-F.*, Lin, H., Lee, L., Yore, D. L. (2015). Are science comics a good medium for science communication? The case for public learning of nanotechnology. International Journal of Science Education, Part B:Communication and Public Engagement, 5(3), 276-294. DOI: 10.1080/21548455.2014.941040, September 2015. (published online July 23, 2014) IF:1.516, Ranking: 31/219=14% in EDUCATION & EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH
Lin, H.*, Lawrenz, F., Lin, S.-F., Hong, Z. (2013). Relationships among affective factors and preferred engagement in science related activities. Public Understanding of Science, 22(8), 941-954. (published online January 9, 2012) (SSCI)( NSC 100-2918-I-110-009 & NSC 95-2522-S-110-001)(2013/10/22 published) IF:1.724 | Ranking:3/41 in History & Philosophy Of Science | 12/72 in Communication
Lin, S.-F., Lin, H.*, Wu, Y. (2013). Validation and exploration of instruments for assessing public knowledge of and attitudes toward nanotechnology. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 22(4), 548-559. (published online September 19, 2012) (SSCI) (NSC 100-2511-S-110-004-MY3) (2013/08/01 published) IF:0.865, Ranking67/219=31% in EDUCATION & EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH
Chen, S.*., Chang, W.-H., Lieu, S.-C., Kao, H.-L., Huang, M.-T., Lin, S.-F. (2013). Development of an empirically-based questionnaire to investigate young students’ ideas about nature of science. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 50(4), 408-430.(SSCI)
林淑梤*、葉辰楨、張文華和陳素芬(2012)。運用明示和暗示科學本質文本對七年級學生學習演化單元的效益。科學教育學刊,20(4),367-392。(TSSCI)(NSC 95-2522-S-003-015-MY3 & NSC 98-2628-S-003-001-MY3)(2012/09出版)
Lin, S.-F., Lieu, S.-C., Chen, S, Huang, M.-T., &. Chang, W. H*. (2012). Affording explicit-reflective science teaching by using an educative teachers’ guide. International Journal of Science Education, 34(7), 999-1026.(SSCI) (NSC 96-2522-S-003-016-MY2 and NSC 98-2511-S-009-001) (2012/05出版)
Lin, S.-F.*, Chang, W.-H., & Cheng, Y.-J. (2011). The perceived usefulness of teachers' guides for science teachers. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 9(6), 1367-1389. (SSCI) (NSC 95-2522-S-003-015-MY3)(2011/12出版)
林淑梤*、張惠博和段曉林(2009)。促進實習教師教學改變的夥伴實習輔導。教育科學研究期刊(原名師大學報:教育類),54(1),23-53。(NSC 93-2511-S-018-003)(TSSCI)(2009/03出版)
林淑梤*、張惠博和段曉林(2008)。科學實習教師個人實務理論實踐之探究。師大學報:科學教育類,53(1),1-30。(NSC 93-2511-S-018-003)(國科會科教處分類為TSSCI同級期刊)
林煥祥和林淑梤主編 (2017)。奈米科技通。彰化市:國立彰化師範大學。(大眾科學普及用書)
Sumida, M., Saruta, Y., Inada, Y., & Lin, S.-F. (2016). Diversity dilemmas of science education in East Asia. In H.-S. Lin, J. K. Gilbert & C.-J. Lien (Eds.), Science education research and practice in East Asia: Trends and perspectives (pp. 191-216). Taipei: Higher Education Publishing.
林淑梤、張惠博、段曉林、姜志忠和楊巽斐(2014):一位高中物理教師對於探究取向科學演示的詮釋以及其實施的影響因素之研究。載於中華民國科學教育學會主編:科學探究教學:台灣個案研究論文集(1994-2012) (pp.157-188)。台北市:華藝出版社。
林淑梤、張惠博和段曉林(2013):創新的實習輔導取向:在夥伴實習輔導模式中落實個人實務理論. 載於科學教師之路II-由夥伴關係到邁向卓越(pp.434-450)。彰化市: 國立彰化師範大學。 ISBN978-986-03-8319-5
林淑梤譯(2007):運用共同產生對話於創造社會與文化適應的課室以及分配教與學的責任(原著:Kenneth Tobin)。載於郭重吉主編:科學教師之路-由實習輔導到專業成長 (pp. 261-274)。台北市:心理出版社。
Lin, S.-F. (2023). The differences between promoters’ and teachers’ views of inquiry teaching in Taiwan. Paper presented at the 2023 Australasian Science Education Research Association (ASERA) annual conference. June 27-30. Cairns, Australia. (6/30)
Shie, T.-H., Lin, S.-F. (2023). Modifying a creative problem-solving instructional model to foster rural elementary school students’ scientific creativity. Paper presented at the 2023 Australasian Science Education Research Association (ASERA) annual conference. June 27-30. Cairns, Australia. (6/30)
林淑梤、趙怡文(2023)。探究心血管患者須知的健康體適能知識和對症運動。2023 永續通識、醫學人文暨 STEAM 教育國際研討會。高雄市:高雄蓮潭國際會館。(6/14)
趙怡文、郭重吉、林淑梤(2021)。國中生健康體適能科學知識架構之研發。論文發表於第37屆科學教育國際研討會。彰化市:國立彰化師範大學。(12/11) 。
楊志元、林淑梤、秦爾聰(2020)。運用ADI教學模式於UbD課程設計之研究 ─以高中化學〝酸鹼滴定〞單元為例。論文發表於第36屆科學教育國際研討會。高雄市:國立科學工藝博物館。(12/19)
Lin, S.-F. (2020). Students’ Learning Difficulties and Learning Progression for Science Inquiry in 2-year Science Labs. Paper accepted at the 15th European Conference on Research in Chemical Education (15th ECRICE).(因covid-19延期辦理)
Lin, S.-F. (2019). Based on students’ performance to develop a learning progression for scientific inquiry. Paper presented at the National Association for Research in Science Teaching. March 31-April 3, Baltimore, USA.
Liu, S.-Y., Lin, S.-F. & Kuo, P.-C. (2018). Comparisons of Views about Scientific Inquiry between Taiwanese Seventh and Twelfth Grade Students. Paper presented at 2018 International Conference of East-Asian Association for Science Education. Nov 29-Dec 2, Hualien, Taiwan.
Lin, S.-F. (2018). The Impact of PISA-driven Inquiry Teaching Practices on Students’ Scientific Competencies. Paper presented at the National Association for Research in Science Teaching. March 10-13, Atlanta, USA.
Cheng, M.-F., Wu, T.-Y. & Lin, S.-F. (2018). Investigating Teachers' and Students' Understanding of Scientific Models. Paper presented at the National Association for Research in Science Teaching. March 10-13, Atlanta, USA.
Lederman, J. S., Lederman, N. G., Jimenez, J. et al. (2018). International Collaborative Investigation of High School Students' Understandings of Scientific Inquiry- A Follow Up Study. Paper presented at the National Association for Research in Science Teaching. March 10-13, Atlanta, USA.
Liu, S.-Y., Lin, S.-F. & Kuo, P.-C. (2017). Taiwanese Seventh Grade Students’ Understanding about Scientific Inquiry: Results from an International Collaborative Investigation. Paper presented at the 6th AZEC & 33rd ASET Joint International conference. Nov 9-12, Pintung, Taiwan.
桑顯順和林淑梤(2017). 運用德懷術建立評量國小自然科學教師科學能力之要項。論文發表於第六屆亞洲動物園教育者暨第33屆科學教育聯合國國際研討會。屏東市:國立屏東大學。
Lin, S.-F. (2017). Teachers’ views of inquiry teaching understanding of and attitudes toward PISA. Paper presented at International Conference of European Science Education Research Association. Aug 21-25, Dublin, Ireland.
Lin, S.-F. (2016). Validation of an Instrument and Exploring for Assessing Science Teachers’ Views of Inquiry Teaching. Paper presented at 2016 International Conference of East-Asian Association for Science Education. Aug 26-28, Tokyo, Japan.
Sie, J.-S. & Lin, S.-F. (2016). A Case Study of a High School Biology Teacher to Promote Students’ Conceptual Understanding through the Scientific Explanation. Paper presented at 2016 International Conference of East-Asian Association for Science Education. Aug 26-28, Tokyo, Japan.
Wang, K.-H., Lin, S.-F., Chen, J.-Y., Shih, K.-Y., & Chang, H.-P. (2015). Development of an instrument to measure teachers’ perceptions of nanotechnology teaching and professional development. Paper presented at the National Association for Research in Science Teaching. April 11-14, Chicago, USA.
Chiu, Y.-T., Lin, S.-F., &Wu, J.-C.* (2015).Science education for students with visual or hearing impairments: Implementation and outcomes of physics teaching. 論文發表於2015中華民國物理年會,1月28-30,新竹市:國立清華大學。
林淑梤、王國華、張惠博和王淑卿(2014). 教師需求與學生學習證據帶給奈米教學實務專業發展之啟示。論文發表於2014自然科學研討會,彰化市:國立彰化師範大學理學院。
Chiu, Y.-T., Wu, J.-C., & Lin, S.-F. (2014). Hands-on Science Camps for K-12 Visually-Impaired. Paper presented at the Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired (AER) International Conference, July 30- August 3, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
Lin, S.-F., Lin, H., & Lee, L. (2014). The effect of science comics on high school students’ informal learning of nanotechnology. Paper presented at the annual conference Australasian Science Education Research Association. July 02-04. Melbourne, Australia.
Lin, H., Lin, S.-F., Lee, L., & J. K. Gilbert. (2014). Using thematic comics to promote public understanding of nanotechnology. Paper presented at the National Association for Research in Science Teaching. March 30-April 2, Pittsburgh, USA.
林淑梤、林煥祥和李姈(2013). 漫畫vs.文本,孰為傳播科學的有效媒介? ─以大眾學習奈米科技為例。論文發表於中華民國第二十九屆科學教育國際學術研討會。12/12-14。彰化市:國立彰化師範大學科學教育研究所。
Lin, S.-F., Lin, H., & Lee, L. (2013). Are science comics good tools for science communication? Paper presented at the European Science Education Research Association. Sep 2-7, Nicosia, Cypus.
Lin, H., Lin, S.-F., Yang, K., & Hong, Z. (2013). Exploring the assessment of and relationship between elementary students’ scientific creativity and science inquiry. Paper presented at the 3rd Biennial Conference of East-Asian Association for Science Education. July 4-6, Hong Kong, China.
林煥祥和林淑梤主編 (2017)。奈米科技通。彰化市:國立彰化師範大學。(大眾科普用書:科普漫畫)
連啟瑞、李暉、李松濤、林淑梤、劉叔秋、鄭夢慈和佘曉清(2017,6月)。十二年國民基本教育科學課程時數-國際比較之摘要報告。【中華民國科學教育學會e-News 】取自http://www.ase.org.tw/?menuid=9705&lgid=2&siteid=100495
中華民國科學教育學會 第28、29、30、31、32、33、34屆理事,2015-2021
國立彰化師範大學 出版品規劃與管理委員 2016-2020
中華民國科學教育學會 第31屆活動委員會主任委員,2018
中華民國科學教育學會 第29屆活動委員會主任委員,2016
中華民國科學教育學會 第26、27屆秘書長,2013-2014
教育部中央課程與教學輔導組 自然與生活科技學習領域常務委員,2013-2014
東亞科學教育學會(EASE) 執行秘書,2013-2014
擔任教學卓越中心教師專業發展與評量組組長 (106學年度)
教育部中央課程與教學輔導組 自然與生活科技學習領域常務委員,2013-2014
國立彰化師範大學科學教育中心 102年度中小學科學教育計畫專案審查委員(2013)
International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education審稿委員,2012-now
International Journal of Science Education審稿委員,2009
精進師資素質計畫 子計畫1-2:師資生PISA試題研發、跨領域課程設計與科學素養提升計畫(104/8/1~105/7/31)
科學探究課程對大學生和理科師資生的科學認識觀、自我效能、學習感受和科學能力的影響 MOST 108-2511-H-018 -003 -MY2(108/8/1-111/2/28)
中學課室中可行的科學探究能力學習進程:長程系統化課程設計之實施與成效 MOST106-2511-S-018 -004 -MY2 (106/8/1-108/7/31)
發展「探究-PISA驅動專業發展模式」以轉化教師教學和提升學生學習成果 MOST103-2628-S-018-001-MY3 (103/8/1-106/7/31)
大眾與高中生閱讀科學漫畫的科學學習成效(知識、態度、和學習情緒)-以奈米科技為例102-2628-S-018-001 (102/11/1-104/2/28)
利用科學漫畫促進大眾科學學習的成效(知識、態度、和學習情緒)-以奈米科技為例NSC101-2511-S-018-019 (101/11/1-102/10/31)
科學本質教材對科學教學與學習之影響98-2511-s-009-001 (98/3/1-99/7/31)
✔️ 科學素養試題發展與評量
✔️ 科學探究教學與學習
✔️ 教師專業發展
✔️ 科學課程與教材發展
✔️ 科學本質
✔️ 大眾科學教育