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國立交通大學教育研究所 博士後研究員 (2016~2021)
國立交通大學教育研究所暨師資培育中心 兼任助理教授 (2017~2021)
國立交通大學師資培育中心 兼任講師 (2016-2017)
教育部補助「臺灣人才躍昇計畫獎學金」:美國加州大學聖地牙哥分校 Swartz認知神經計算研究中心半年短期研究 (2015-2016)
PISA 2015國際學生能力評量計劃:資料管理者 (Data Manager) (2014-2015)
黃莉郁、佘曉清、劉思瑋(2017)。緒論:臺灣PISA 2015。輯於佘曉清、林煥祥(主編),PISA 2015臺灣學生的表現(第一章)。臺灣:心理出版社。
佘曉清、黃莉郁、蘇怡蓓(2017)。臺灣學生科學素養的表現。輯於佘曉清、林煥祥(主編),PISA 2015臺灣學生的表現(第二章)。臺灣:心理出版社。
Chou, R. J., Liang, C. P., Huang, L. Y., & She, H. C. (2022). The Impacts of Online Skeuomorphic Physics Inquiry–Based Learning With and Without Simulation on 8th Graders’ Scientific Inquiry Performance. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 1-15. (SCI) (IF=2.315)
Liang, C. P., She, H. C., Huang, L. Y., Chou, W. C., Chen, S. C., & Jung, T. P. (2020). Human Brain Dynamics Reflect the Correctness and Presentation Modality of Physics Concept Memory Retrieval. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 14, 331. (SCI) (IF=2.673)
She, H.C., Lin, H.S. & Huang, L.Y. (2019). Reflections on and implications of the programme for international student assessment 2015 performance of students in Taiwan: The role of epistemic beliefs about science in scientific literacy. Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 56(10), 1309-1340. (SSCI) (IF=3.21)
Tsai, P. Y., She, H. C., Chen, S. C., Huang, L. Y., Chou, W. C., Duann, J. R. & Jung, T. P. (2019). Eye fixation-related fronto-parietal neural network correlates of memory retrieval. International Journal of Psychophysiology. 138, 57-70. (SCI, SSCI) (IF= 2.407)
Huang, L. Y., *She, H. C. & Jung, T. P. (2018). Neural oscillation correlates chemistry decision-making. International Journal of Neural Systems. 28(3), 1750031. (SCI) (IF=6.400) (第一作者) (本文獲科技部107年度博士後研究人員學術著作獎)
Cheng, S. C., *She, H. C. & Huang, L. Y. (2018). The impact of problem-solving instruction on middle school students’ physical science learning: interplays of knowledge, reasoning, and problem solving. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education. 14(3), 731-743.
Chou, W.C., Duann, J.R., *She, H.C., Huang, L.Y. & Jung, T.P. (2015). Explore the functional connectivity between brain regions during a chemistry working memory task. PLOS ONE, 10 (6), e0129019. (SCI) (IF=3.057)
Huang, L. Y., *She, H. C., Chou, W. C., Chuang, M. H., Duann, J. R. & Jung, T. P. (2013). Brain oscillation and connectivity during a chemistry visual working memory task. International Journal of Psychophysiology. 90(2), 172-179. (SCI, SSCI) (IF= 2.648) (第一作者)
Lai, K., *She, H.C., Chen, S.C., Chou, W.C., Huang, L.Y., Jung, T.P. & Gramann, K. (2012). Encoding of physics concepts: Concreteness and presentation modality reflected by human brain dynamics. PLOS ONE, 7(7): e41784. (SCI) (IF=3.730)
*She, H.C., Jung, T.P., Chou, W.C., Huang, L.Y., Wang, C.Y. & Lin, G.Y. (2012). EEG dynamics reflect the distinct cognitive process of optic problem solving. PLoS ONE, 7(7): e40731. (SCI) (IF=3.730)
Huang, L. Y., Chen, M. J., Tsao, S. W., She, H. C. (2019, Jul.2-5). Facilitate non-science major students’ understanding of astronomy and epistemic beliefs about science through epistemology and history embedded online astronomy learning content. Paper presented at the 2019 50th Annual ASERA Conference. Queenstown, New Zealand.
She, H. C., Huang, L. Y., Lin, H. S., (2019, Jul.2-5). PISA 2015 Scientific Literacy Performance of Students in Australia and Taiwan: An International Comparison Study. Paper presented at the 2019 50th Annual ASERA Conference. Queenstown, New Zealand.
Huang, L.Y., She, H. C. (2018, June 25-29).An eye movement study on the abductive reasoning regarding genetics. Paper presented at EdMedia + Innovate Learning Conference 2018. Amsterdam, Netherlands.
She, H. C., Huang, L.Y. Wang, S.Y., Duann, J.R., Chen, C.M. (2018, Jun 17-21). Explore the DLPFC and ACC activities during the scientific conflict tasks: A preliminary fMRI study. Paper presented at 2018 OHBM Annual Meeting. Singapore.
Wang, S.Y., She, H. C., Huang, L.Y., Duann, J.R., Chen, C.M. (2018, Jun 17-21). An inquiry into science concepts retrieval task of different science subjects. A neuroimaging perspective. Paper presented at 2018 OHBM Annual Meeting. Singapore.
Huang, L.Y., She, H. C. (2017, June 25-29). EEG dynamics of abductive reasoning process involving genetic concepts. Paper presented at 2017 OHBM Annual Meeting. Vancouver, Canada.
Shih, C.C., She, H. C., Huang, L.Y. (2017, Jun). EEG dynamics reflects students’ cognitive process at different levels of cognitive conflict events. Paper presented at 2017 OHBM Annual Meeting. Vancouver, Canada.
Tsai, P.Y., She, H. C., Chen, S.C., Huang, L.Y., Chou, W.C., Duann, J. R., Jung, T.P. (2017, Jun). Eye fixation-related EEG reflect memory retrieval process. Paper presented at 2017 OHBM Annual Meeting. Vancouver, Canada.
Liang, C.P., She, H. C., Chou, W. C., Cheng, S.C., & Huang, L. Y. (2013, July 4-6). To explore EGG alpha and theta activities during the memory retrieval of physical concept of different representations. Paper presented at EASE 2013 Conference. Hong Kong.
Tsai, P. Y., She, H. C., Chou, W. C., Cheng, S.C., & Huang, L. Y. (2013, July 4-6). EEG Oscillation of retrieval of Biology concepts and Physics concepts in the picture modality. Paper presented at EASE 2013 Conference. Hong Kong.
Huang, L.Y., She, H. C., Jung, T. P., Chuang M. H. (2012, June 10-14). The EEG dynamic of visual working memory task involving chemistry. Associated with Encoding of Physics Concepts. Paper presented at 2012 OHBM Annual Meeting. Beijing, China.
Chou, W. C., She, H. C., & Huang, L. Y. (2011, Oct 25-29).To Explore the EEG Alpha and Theta Activity During Processing of Biology Concepts. Paper presented at the International Conference of East-Asian Science Education (EASE). Gwangju, South Korea.
Huang, L. Y., She, H. C., Chou, W. C., & Chuang, M. H. (2011,Jun.29-Jul.2). Exploring EEG activity in a Chemistry-Related Working Memory Task. Paper presented at the 2011 42st Annual ASERA Conference. Adelaide, South Australia.
Chuang, M. H., Chen, S. C., Huang, L. Y., & She, H. C. (2011, June 29- July 2). Investigating the cognitive processing of chemistry concepts with the use of an eye tracker. Paper presented at the 2011 42st Annual ASERA Conference. Adelaide, South Australia.
Chou, W. C., She, H. C., & Huang, L. Y. (2010, June 30- July 3). Explore the eye movement regarding to the cognitive process of concrete and abstract biology conceptions. Presented at the 2010 International Conference of Australasian Science Education Research Association. Australia.
Weng, H. L, She, H. C., Huang, L. Y., & Chen, S. C. (2010, June 30- July 3). Facilitate Students' Competencies in Identifying Scientific Issues Through Vertically Scaffolding Web-based Instruction. Presented at the 2010 International Conference of Australasian Science Education Research Association. Australia.
Huang, L. Y., She, H. C., & Chou, W. C. (2009, Oct. 21-23). Exploring EEG activity during the scientific conceptual change process. Paper presented at the 2009 International Conference of East-Asian Science Education. Taipei, Taiwan.
Huang, L.Y., She, H.C., & Chou, W.C. (2009, June 11-14). Explore the Impact of Multiple Representations of Thermal Expansion Conceptions on High School Students' Conceptual Change Process and Brain Process. Paper presented at the Toward a Science of Consciousness: Investigating inner experience Brain, Mind, Technology. Hong Kong.
黃莉郁、佘曉清 (2016, Dec. 12)。探討「遺傳」推理歷程之眼動模式。發表於中華民國第三十二屆科學教育學術研討會。國立自然科學博物館。
梁志平、佘曉清、蔡佩宜、周文己、黃莉郁 (2012, Dec. 13)。利用EEG探討在化學概念提取時不同腦區活化之研究。發表於中華民國第二十八屆科學教育學術研討會。國立台北教育大學。
蔡佩宜、佘曉清、梁志平、周文己、黃莉郁 (2012, Dec. 13-15)。探討學生在不同科學概念提取歷程之腦波研究。發表於中華民國第二十八屆科學教育學術研討會。國立台北教育大學。
黃莉郁、周文己、莊明樺、陳聖昌、佘曉清 (2010, Dec. 10)。以眼球追蹤探討科學知識提取之認知歷程。發表於中華民國第二十六屆科學教育學術研討會。國立東華大學。
莊明樺、陳聖昌、周文己、黃莉郁、佘曉清 (2010, Dec. 10)。從眼動儀探討學生化學概念的認知歷程。發表於中華民國第二十六屆科學教育學術研討會。國立東華大學。
黃莉郁、佘曉清、周文己. (2009, Dec.18-19). 初探多媒體呈現方式對學生「熱膨脹」概念改變的認知動態歷程。發表於中華民國第二十五屆科學教育學術研討會。國立台灣師範大學。
✔️ 科學學習歷程:科學推理、科學素養、探究與實作、認知衝突與概念改變、STEM learning
✔️ 認知心理學:知覺與注意力、記憶編碼、記憶提取、科學決策
✔️ 跨領域研究:應用眼動 (eye movements)、腦波 (EEG)與功能性磁振造影 (fMRI)理論與技術於科學教育研究